Le 02/01/2014 : Overpowered by Italian cars

Date: 06/03/2014 | Par: el grandioso Francesco

No doubt that I am seriously (and enthusiastically) considering changing my OS and substituting it for Fenêtres 8 (by the way, thanks for lighting my own way with the much helpful and desired French translation - for the dummies - of OS). Should it prove unsuccessful, then I will go through more regressive (ethnologically speaking) options, among them: smell it (already done, brought me to the edge of near death experience), ingest it (to be honest, makes me a little bit nervous), inject it (would require to melt it beforehand) or smoke it (similar process as the a.m. meltdown, though would require the Ferrari to be brought to a still higher temperature). Whatever the selected option (and the ensuing daunting outcome), this will surely represent one big step (backwards) for me (loss of 97% of my neurons at best), but one giant leap for mankind (indisputable demonstration that there still exists life after coalescing with a Ferrari).
I’ll (try my best to) keep you informed, all you crazy bloggers and impatient bloggerins (don't search for it in the thesaurus).

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